Sunday, September 2, 2012

Catching Up

Those days of pre-deployment leave are a double edged sword, in my opinion.  On one hand, it's an opportunity to visit family and friends, spend time together as a family and to finish up that pre-deployment honey do list.  On the other, there is enormous pressure to make every moment "count", to soak in all the time you can with the one you love even while the rest of the world continues on around you all while my husband starts emotionally and physically distancing himself in preparation for what is coming next.  The result (at least in my case) is an emotionally and physically drained pregnant woman standing in the middle of the war zone she called a house only a few short weeks ago. 

The past 36 hours since my husband left have been spent getting things back in order.  I finally put away toys, got caught up on laundry and went to the grocery store (on a pay weekend, I blame pregnancy during a deployment brain for the decision!).  My to do list is done, I have a plan for the week ahead and I feel like I am ready to tackle the craziness that is back to school/gymnastics/swimming/soccer.  And with all that comes a sense of relief.  Relief that things are back in order, that this deployment is finally underway and that I don't have to think about it all the time now that I am going to be running with the kids all day everyday. 

But is it really catching up if you are only doing it to run away from something else?

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