Monday, September 3, 2012

It all depends on your definition of a vegetable

When my husband is home we cook.  A lot.  We actually really enjoy the time together in the kitchen (or at least in this kitchen since it is HUGE) and we try very hard to make sure that the food we make it healthy and that all of the meals are balanced. 

That is until he leaves.

Because you see, cooking for one adult and two toddlers is tough.  You always end up with leftovers and it needs to be something that appeals to everyone while still checking the boxes of healthy and balanced.  With school starting again tomorrow (yes, that is a choir of angels singing) I wanted tonight's dinner to be something that the boys would be excited about but that I could still call healthy.  The answer to this dilemma?  A McDonald's Happy Meal and strawberry milkshake. 

Cheeseburger - protein (meat), dairy (cheese), carbs (rolls), ketchup (I'm calling it a veggie, get over it)
Fries - carbs/vegetable all in one depending on who you ask
Apple slices - fruit
Strawberry Milkshake - dairy and fruit

File that one under the Rules That Only Make Sense During Deployments.

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